FREE returns and 30-day money back guarantee
If you are not 100% happy with your purchase, return it for FREE within 30 days*
We Collect
We will arrange collection if your goods are deemed unsuitable; free of charge unless the items received are incorrect or damaged.
Exchange Service
If an item is not what you expected, may be too big or too small, we will happily arrange an exchange.
Full Refund
Once collected, your refund will be made within 14 days. For faulty or incorrect items, we will also fully refund the full cost of the delivery.
UK Call Centre
Located in South Wales, our friendly team are available to help with any returns queries you may have.
*Should items be defective, or should your order be incorrect (i.e. due to a picking error), please notify our friendly team within seven days, we will then arrange a free collection and a full refund for the full order amount within 14 days.
Please return items within 30 days from the date of delivery. All items must be unused and returned in their original packaging, complete with original labelling. Please also ensure you enclose a copy of your Delivery Note in the package so your return can be identified. A collection fee will be charged, unless the goods are faulty or an incorrect item is delivered.
Please note that bespoke made products or curtains that have been pulled at the header tape cannot be returned unless they are defective. If this is the case, you can contact our helpful Customer Service team on 01685 353 456.
Please also note, we are unable to arrange collection of returned items from addresses outside the UK.
If you have any further queries about returning products, please contact us on 01685 353 456 or email [email protected]